Water Connections
S41 - Select this option if you want Wessex Water to produce a design and install the water mains and plot connections on your development site.
S51 - Select this if you are an Accredited Entity (Self Lay Provider), or where you are using one to lay a new water main serving multiple properties and would like Wessex Water to design the water mains
S51 - Select this if you are using a WIRS Accredited Designer and would like Wessex to approve your design to a previously agreed point of connection (Subject to meeting our design standards)
S185 – Select this if you need to move a public water main within a site in order to maximise the development area.
S45 – Select this where you want to connect to an existing water main
Waste Connections
S104 – Select this if you want WW to adopt the new drainage network constructed as part of your development.
S185 – Select this if you need to move a public sewer within a site in order to maximise the development area.
S98 – Select this if you require WW to lay a new offsite sewer, across 3rd party land to connect to the agreed point of connection.
S102 - Select this if you want WW to adopt existing private drains.
Total amount
If you leave this webpage for any reason after entering your contact details, then an email will be sent to you with a link to continue with this application. This email will take an hour to arrive. If you need someone else to make payment for the application, you can forward this email to them.
This application form takes 5 to 10 mins, and you will need a site plan, and a valid card to pay for the administration fees associated with the application.
Once we have received your application, we aim to respond to you within 5 days whether we need any further details, or if we have everything we need to proceed with your application.
If you have any issues or would like to speak to someone you can find our contact details here.
Please note this is a generic application form and covers all connection types. Within the application you will be able to select the connection type that you require the water connection for. Please contact us on 01225 526222 if you require any assistance.
If you are unable to complete your application or accidently close the form, an email will automatically be sent to the email address on the form. If you click on the link, you will be able to resume your application. This email will take around 1 hour to be sent.
This application form takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You will need a site plan, and a valid card to pay for the administration fees associated with the application.
These are currently:
£146.40 for the first connection
£39.60 for all subsequent connections
Once we have received your application we will notify you within 5 days whether we need any further details, or if we have everything we need to proceed. Our target is to respond to all applications with a quotation within 28 calendar days on receipt of a complete application.
Site details
Total amount
Contact Details
Please select the roles that apply to the above contact
When applying for a New Sewer Adoption (S104) please include contact details for: your Bondsman, Solicitors and other parties to the agreement. Failing to do so will result in an incomplete application and delays to it being processed.
Please select the type of contact (select all that is applicable to you)
Is there anyone else that you would like to name on this application, so that we can discuss it with them if required?
Total amount
Water regulations notification
You will normally be required to provide a schematic drawing of the hot and cold water systems and heating indicating points of use AND make and model of the boiler and, if applicable, the hot water cylinder unless:
- Your development is for domestic purposes and you are using a WIAPS, TAPS, APHC or Severn Trent Watermark approved plumber
- You require a trough, standpipe or compound supply.
If your plumber is a member of an approved plumber’s scheme, ie, WIAPS, please provide the following information:
Does this application include any of the following?
Work details
If the development is more than two storeys high please state:
Surface Water Details
Development details
Service connection pipe details
Please note that prior to the connection date you will be required to provide a chlorination certificate for pipes of 50mm (OD) and above.
If your proposed pipe size is more than 32mm (OD) please state:
The meter size will be determined by Wessex Water.
For automatic meter reading (AMR) requirements please contact us for further details.
Infrastructure Charges
Infrastructure charges are used to cover the cost of improving our existing networks to cope with providing extra capacity for new developments. An infrastructure charge is payable by anyone who wishes to build or develop a property.
They are payable for water supply and sewerage services. We will include charges for both items in the quotation that we send you.
Please answer the questions carefully, as the information you provide will be used to determine the appropriate infrastructure charges for your development.
For more information on infrastructure charges, please click here.
WC flushing cistern |
Wash basin in house |
Urinal |
Wash basin elsewhere |
Bath (tap nominal size 3/4 inch/20mm) |
Bath (tap less than 1/2 inch) |
Shower |
Sink (tap nominal size 1/2 inch/15 mm) |
Sink (tap nominal size >1/2 inch/15 mm) |
Spray tap |
Bidet |
Domestic appliance (subject to a min allowance of six loading units per accommodation unit) |
Communal or commercial appliance not listed in table |
Any other water fitting or outlet (including tap, but excluding a water softener) |
Indoor swimming pool |
Environmental information
CDM Regulations
Further Information
Total amount
Upload relevant documents
You need to submit the following details, which can be on one document, or in several documents:
- Site Location / Site Layout Plan
- Drainage Strategy
- Ground Investigation Report
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Adoption Statement
Self-Lay/New Water Mains
- Site layout plan (showing service entry points and meter locations)
- Any relevant drawings
- Plumbing schematics for commercial properties
- Flow calculations for commercial properties
- Soils reports
- Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) issued with planning permission
- Plot to Postal addresses
Water Connection(s)
- Location plan with a preferred point of connection marked
- Plumbing Schematics for commercial properties
- Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) issued with planning permission
New Sewer Adoption/Sewer Diversion
- Location plan
Layout plan showing any adoptable sewers/assets, which must be coloured up as follows:
- Any adoptable foul sewers/assets highlighted red or brown
- Any adoptable surface water sewers/assets highlighted blue
- The site boundary that you own outlined in green
- Easement areas coloured yellow
- All background detail and existing sewers shown in black or grey. This includes any references to any other related works such as sewer diversions or requisitions
- The layout plan must clearly show pipe material, diameter, gradient, sewer meterage lengths, Micro Drainage PN numbers (if appropriate), flow direction, manhole references, cover and invert levels
- Long sections
- Engineering plan showing any private drainage pipes or assets
- Manhole schedules
- Hydraulic calculations (foul and surface water as appropriate)
- Agreed discharge rates
- Confirmation of discharge consent with the riparian owner if a surface water sewer outfalls to a watercourse
- Construction details such as manholes, concrete protection, headwalls, soakaways, attenuation tanks, pond, flow control chambers (private or adoptable) or any relevant SuDS features.
- Impermeable area plan
- Approved landscaping plan and any tree protection
- Copy of your planning permission decision notice, including any drainage conditions
- Land ownership details for the site, plus adjoining land ownership details if the sewers are close to the boundary
- Section 38 adoptable highway plan (if applicable)
- Pumping station layout (if applicable), which we will ask for extra information
- Third party details if a sewer is proposed to be laid or connected off site
- Any other relevant information, such as contaminated ground conditions and FRA.
Existing Sewer Adoption
- Location plan
- Plan showing sewer and manholes
- CCTV survey report and DVD
- Third party or ownership details (if known)
- Pumping Station details (if applicable)
- Discharge consent details (if known)
Sewer Requisition
- Site plan
- Third party land owner
- Proposed site layout/level and flow data
- Statutory undertakers information
- Soils or borehole information
- Location plan
Water Main Diversion
- Location plan
- Layout plan showing your building proposal, with;
* The site boundary that you own outlined in green
* Preferred diversion route (if known)
We prefer the drawings to be submitted in PDF and also AutoCAD format if possible please.
- Land ownership details for the site, plus adjoining land ownership details if the diversion route is close to the boundary.
Please include the following if applicable:
- Details of conservation area / TPO / listed buildings / archaeological constraints
- Site investigation report confirming ground conditions
- Details of any contaminated ground
- Third party details if the diversion proposed to be laid or connected off site (you must have written permission)
- Section 38 adoptable highway plan
- Any other relevant information.
File Name | File Size(MB) | Status | Reason |
- Maximum file size is 50MB per file.
- Allowed file types are DOCX, DOC, PDF, XLS, XLSX, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, DWG (AutoCAD), DXF (AutoCAD), DGN (MicroStation), PRP (MicroStation), PRW (MicroStation).
- If there are any files you are unable to upload, please email them separately to [email protected] and quote the site address and the name of the applicant.
Total amount
Failure to provide any of the above information may be deemed as an incomplete application and can result in the application being delayed or returned.
For your application to be processed effectively, it is important your design and any supporting documentation is compliant with the current edition of Sewers for Adoption and Wessex Water’s pumping station addendum. Incomplete or incorrect applications will be rejected and have to be resubmitted.
I/we confirm and acknowledge that:
Please note, Bank Transfer payments can cause a slight delay to your application as they take a few days to clear.
Total amount