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Pre-Planning Enquiry

Total amount

Site details

Total amount

Contact Details

Is there anyone else that you would like to name on this application, so that we can discuss it with them if required?

Work details

m2 Floor Space
No. of people
m2 Floor Space
No. of Beds
No. of Beds
No. of Pupils

Total amount

Upload relevant documents


You need to submit the following details, which can be on one document, or in several documents:


Files uploaded:


- Maximum file size is 50MB per file.

- Allowed file types are DOCX, DOC, PDF, XLS, XLSX, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, DWG (AutoCAD), DXF (AutoCAD), DGN (MicroStation), PRP (MicroStation), PRW (MicroStation).

- If there are any files you are unable to upload, please email them separately to [email protected] and quote the site address and the name of the applicant.